date: 2024-08-02
  • Return on-chain payment info and failed attempts in the invoice endpoint.
  • Allow payments to be downloaded as Excel files from the dashboard.
  • Added support for the Tron network.
  • Support form on the checkout session page to auto-resolve payment queries by submitting the transaction hash.
  • Show subscription activity timeline.
  • Display failed payment attempts for a subscription on the subscription detail page.
  • Enhanced subscription detail page with more information.
  • Improved invoice detail endpoint to include failed payment attempts info.
  • Improved 100% discount flow on the payment page.
  • Increased custom field limit to up to 6 fields on the payment link.
  • Increased subscription auto payment attempts and duration.
  • Merged Plans (Recurring products) and Product page into one in the dashboard.
  • Fixed regression in Stripe payment amount calculation when fees are enabled.
  • Fixed bug regarding expired session status value in the status polling endpoint.
  • Fixed payment link preview when gas fee collection is enabled.
  • LIFI widget to allow deposits from 17+ networks in different tokens.
  • Allow login with an email address (non-Google account).
  • Announcement bar in the dashboard to update users with major changes or other announcements.
  • Added modal to recover tokens deposited on the wrong network.
  • Improved withdrawal transaction detail to better show processing fees.
  • Increased third-party and international remittance payment limits for individuals.
  • Enhanced Persona KYC flow to reduce KYC failure rate.
  • Improved Polygon deposit QR code to work with more wallets/apps.
  • Fixed phone number validation for KYB.
  • Fixed amount rounding to keep it up to two decimals in withdrawals.